Healthy Living

Nobody aspires to live in such a way that they can no longer enjoy life due to bad health. We often push our health to the side and fill our days with the drive to succeed and meet the needs directly in front of us. We tend to live in survival mode and master the act of putting out one fire after another while pushing our needs aside. Healthy living is an active choice that must be made in order to avoid the slippery slope of deteriorating health. Choosing self-care is not a selfish choice, but a necessary one. By caring for the needs of our body and spirit we create a healthy space to pour into those around us. How are we to fully care for and give to others if our own "well" is dry. When we push our health aside we are in active decline. I hope these posts inspire you to live healthy from the inside out.

  • Emotional Wellness,  Family Matters,  Healthy Living

    Five Reasons to Get Outdoors in Celebration of Earth Day!

    The beauty of Northern Michigan provides many opportunities to get outdoors. Because we live in such a beautiful area surrounded by lakes and open land, we have much at our disposal for outdoor enjoyment. We have an advantage over those living in big cities with crowded spaces full of pollutants. We should not take this for granted but instead, experience the benefits of nature by exploring outdoor activities.  Fresh Air Getting fresh air into your lungs has its benefits. Find a calming spot outdoors and take some deep breaths. Whether it’s the crisp early morning air or a late afternoon breeze, taking time to breathe deeply can be a useful…

  • Emotional Wellness

    Why Doing Difficult Things Is Important

    Life can be difficult. Oftentimes it seems as though we move from one struggle to the next. It is easy for us to dwell on difficult circumstances more so than positive ones and because of this they become highlighted in our mind as the norm. If our everyday life can be so hard, why would we want to add more difficulty? Here are 5 reasons why it is beneficial for us to regularly do things that are difficult. 1.We experience growth when we face difficulties. Let me clarify that it isn’t the difficulty alone that causes the growth. Some people can struggle through one difficult situation to the next and…

  • Emotional Wellness

    Choosing Faith Over Fear

    Fear is a sneaky enemy. He will creep in when we least expect it, attempting to kill our dreams and steal our joy. Fear desires to paralyze us and keep us from doing great things- the things that really matter. It wants us to be small thinkers and live self-centered lives. A lie we often believe is that fear protects us from failure and pain when it actually perpetuates it. The truth is that once we step out of fear we will walk in freedom to experience things we have never experienced before and live a life outside ourselves and our own small perspectives. We can choose to live a…